Why is Learning Italian Good for Business? 28092018

Why is Learning Italian Good for Business?

Entrepreneurs and business owners need to develop a host of skills in order for their businesses to succeed, and so they may wonder: is learning Italian good for business?

The short answer is yes. Italian is mostly associated with beautiful art, fashion, luxury goods and culture, but it is a lot more than a tourist language. It is spoken by 70 million first-language speakers, not just in Italy, but all over the world. Italian-speaking communities exist in the US, UK, Australian and Argentina, as well as Malta, Slovenia and Croatia.

Thus, learning the Italian language gives business owners direct access to an enormous market. Research carried out in 2012 found that Italian was the fourth most requested language by employers. Clearly, there is huge demand for people who are able to negotiate in an Italian buyers’ native language.



How to Learn German without Travelling to Germany 21092018

How to Learn German without Travelling to Germany

How to learn German without travelling to Germany is a question often posed to the Museum of Knowledge team. It is not always feasible to go to the country of origin of a beloved language, and so language lovers may wonder: is it possible to learn German without traveling to Germany?

Residing in a country is often the best way to become fluent in its language, since language learners can converse with other German speakers readily. However, it is far from the only way. For example, one could join a language club. Not only does this enable German language learners to meet with other German speakers, but language clubs are also a great way to delve into German culture.

German language learners may also find a learning partner who is as committed to learning German as they are. Given enough hours of effort, it is entirely possible to attain fluency in German without ever having to travel to Germany.


Is Chinese the most difficult language to speak 14092018

Is Chinese the most difficult language to speak?

Is Chinese the most difficult language to speak? This is a common question that many people ask the Museum of Knowledge. While Chinese has the reputation of being a rather challenging language to master, it is actually not the case once a language learner gains knowledge of the Chinese characters.

Some students who learn to speak Chinese tend to make errors with regards to tones. Chinese incorporates four distinct sounds, which change the meaning of what the speaker is saying, depending on which one they are using at a particular time. It may take a reasonable period of time to master the above, but once this has been achieved, learning Chinese becomes easier.

One advantage of learning Chinese over other languages, such as English, French and Spanish, is that it’s grammar is simplified. Hence, although Chinese may seemingly be a difficult language to master, it should not be any more challenging than other languages.

With China being a dominant nation in the world of business, learning to speak Chinese offers many benefits, even if some students may find this to be difficult initially. With the right level of motivation and excellent teaching techniques offered at the Museum of Knowledge, there is no reason why students should fear learning to speak Chinese.



Can listening to French songs improve your French 07092018

Can listening to French songs improve your French?

French language learners have long wondered: can listening to French songs improve your French? Learning any language comes with its fair share of challenges. That said, French is not a difficult language to learn, provided the learner utilizes the right approach.

One way to quickly pick up French is through imbibing the culture of the language. Listening to French songs, in particular, enhances the listener’s understanding of French expressions, improves their vocabulary, and improves their overall comprehension of spoken French. What’s more, music helps listeners to actually sound like native speakers through mimicking sounds and accents.

French language learners should try listening to French songs that are sung slowly such as Indila’s Dernière Danse, or BB Brunes’ Aficionado. The clarity of the lyrics makes them easy to understand, and French language learners are sure to improve their French by following this learning methodology.