Museum Of Knowledge blog, Fluent in English 22122017

Museum of Knowledge tips: How to become fluent in English

Museum of Knowledge students often ask us how they can become fluent in English. Are there any special tricks they can adopt to learn English more quickly than their counterparts? The truth is, becoming fluent in English requires a number of skills. Taking into consideration that learning a language requires a foundation of knowledge across four key disciplines, reading, writing, listening and speaking, students will need to factor this into their study timeline.

Reading– Depending on the student’s level, reading exercises can range from books, newspapers, magazines and website content. All of these disciplines can give students a comprehensive understanding of the English language, enable them to gain essential skills, grasp essential vocabulary and perfect sentence structure.

Writing- Many students who wish to learn English may find writing to be one of their biggest challenges. The key to writing good English is accuracy and grammar. Verb conjugation skills are also essential. It is much more difficult to hide a mistake when writing in English, and the best way to ensure that mistakes are not made is by taking regular spelling tests, understanding sentence construction, syntax and grammar.

Listening- Gaining good listening techniques is also critical for students who wish to become fluent in English. Of course there are many accents that students will have to be exposed to in order to really perfect their skills and be able to understand spoken English. Across the UK for example the South East, North East and North West have very distinct accents. Then of course, even wider than this we consider other accents found in the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.

Speaking- To be truly fluent in English, being able to master verbal communication is imperative. Once again accents play a strong part in this and depending on where the student has been taught will affect the accent used when speaking. Developing strong verbal skills in English requires students to express themselves with subtle tones and pronunciation that identifies the English language.


Museum Of Knowledge blog, encourage learn a language 15122017

Which factors encourage people to learn a language?

There are many reasons why people to decide to learn a language and much depends on the objective and purpose of language learning. The Museum of Knowledge highlight some key pointers that may encourage the adoption of language skills.


For mandatory subjects in High School, having language skills is essential. Some schools and may require students to take one language as a core subject in the curriculum, others may require students take two languages. Learning a language broadens the mind and spirit and facilitates the effective communication between nations with differing cultures and languages. Most language course modules in schools cover both social and cultural studies combined with key language skills.

Business professionals

Developing new business leads and negotiating contracts across international frontiers is greatly simplified when all parties speak the same language. Some business professionals may feel that the language of business is English but the Museum of Knowledge would always encourage visitors to various countries around the world to learn the language of the indigenous people where the language is spoken. “When in Rome do as the Romans do!”

The Museum of Knowledge has developed a range of online language learning modules tailored to various industries including Hospitality, Travel and Leisure, Fashion, Business, Retail, Sales and Marketing and Technology, Telecommunications, Multimedia and Digital.

In all instances an important focus of the Museum of Knowledge language modules is not only the development of language skills but also our ability to ensure that language skills are directly related to specific industry sectors. This is one of the key advantages of the Museum of Knowledge. Business professionals can at last negotiate in various languages with their sector specialism in mind. Vocabulary and useful phrases are especially tailored to the industries that business professionals are specialists in.



Museum of Knowledge Essential skills, learn a language blog, 08122017

Essential skills students need to learn a language

Learning a language takes time and dedication and the Museum of Knowledge team would suggest that any student who wishes to embark on the journey of language learning bears this in mind.

Of course, some students may have a natural instinct for languages but the key determinant factors that ensure language learners reach high levels of competency are openness to new language learning techniques and the ability to practice on a regular basis. Other skills that are a recipe for success include;



Listening skills

Understanding grammar

Spelling skills

Writing skills

Punctuation skills

Pronunciation skills

Accentuation skills


Once a language learner is aware of the key skills they need to perfect, learning a language, meeting expectations will become more realistic. Regular practice through dedication will enable language learners reach their full potential and communicate effectively across international frontiers.



Museum of Knowledge, Learn French or German for Switzerland blog, 01122017

What is the best language to learn in Switzerland; French or German?

Museum of Knowledge language learners especially those whose aim is to learn a language for business, may have to select one dominant language to learn in cases where Switzerland is a focus for their business expansion. French and German are some of the most commonly used languages for business. Language learners who need to choose between one language or another may need to consider the following key issues if travelling to Switzerland on business. First, where in Switzerland is French spoken?

French is widely spoken towards the west of Switzerland and this accounts for around 22% of the whole Swiss population. The western French speaking cities that contribute towards a total of 26 Swiss cantons include the following;

Bern, in Bern

Fribourg, in Fribourg

Lausanne, in Vaud

Sion, in Valais

Neuchâtel, in Neuchâtel

Geneva, in Geneva

Delémont, in Jura

From the list of French speaking Swiss cities and cantons the largest and most important cities within western Switzerland are Bern and Lausanne, known for its infamous research capabilities and University and Geneva.

Bern is the capital of Switzerland and so this fact alone shows how important it is to learn French if travelling to Switzerland or doing business in Switzerland. Bern old town is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its numerous fountains around the city. Bern is the official seat of the Swiss government and Houses of Parliament (Bundeshaus) and enjoys numerous museums of interest including the Swiss Alpine Museum, the Communication Museum and the riverside Botanical Gardens.

Lausanne is situated on Lake Geneva and is the official home of the International Olympic Committee headquarters. Lausanne is also known as the smallest city in the world with a metro system. A picturesque city full of “la gloire,” Lausanne is famous for its medieval old town that houses the Lausanne Cathedral, the Olympic Museum, the Ouchy promenade, the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Lavaux vineyards, the Rolex Learning Centre, and of course Lake Geneva (le lac Léman), the largest freshwater lake in Europe. The University of Lausanne founded in 1537 sits on Lake Geneva and offers students a wide range of courses such as Theology, Geoscience and Environmental Studies, Politics, Business and Commerce.

 Geneva is surrounded by Mont Blanc and is known as the city for banking and diplomacy. Geneva is an important financial services and business destination as well as a tourist hub for adventure travellers who enjoy winter sports including skiing and snowboarding. Geneva is also known for its luxury goods products including Swiss made watches and its wonderful museums including the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the Ethnography Museum Geneva, the Patek Philippe Museum and the Voltaire Museum.

Over 60% of the Swiss population speak German so learning German if considering doing business in Switzerland is important. Here follows the list of cantons and cities in Switzerland where German is spoken;

Zürich in Zürich

Bern in Bern

Lucerne in Luzern

Altdorf in Uri

Schwyz in Schwyz

Sarnen in Obwalden

Stans in Nidwalden

Glarus in Giarus

Zug in Zug

Fribourg in Fribourg

Solothum in Solothurn

Basel in Basel-Stadt

Liestal in Basel-Landschaft

Schaffhausen in Schaffhausen

Herisau in Appenzell Ausserrhoden

Appenzell in Appenzell

St Gallen in St Gallen

Chur in Graubünden

Aarau in Aargau

Frauenfeid in Thurgau

Note that in the following region, only Italian is predominantly spoken;

Bellinzona in Ticino

From the list of cities in German speaking Switzerland, Zürich is certainly a major city known for being both a financial, banking hub and for its infamous Lake Zürich that surrounds the city. Zürich also houses the most expensive luxurious shopping mile with department stores and luxury boutiques abound on the exclusive Bahnhofstrasse. The FIFA Word Football Museum and the Zürich Opera House are special cultural Zürich highlights. For leisure activities, Zürich is also just some 90 minutes or less away from some of the best ski resorts in Switzerland including, Flumserberg, Sattel-Hochstuckli, Amden, Stoos, atzmännig, Brunni-Alpthal, Hoch-Ybrig, Chäserrugg, Titlis and Rigi the “Queen of the mountains”.

In conclusion as both French and German are widely spoken throughout Switzerland students or business professionals who speak any one of these languages will be at an advantage. Bear in mind however that the capital city of Switzerland is French speaking Bern.