Museum of Knowledge, quickest best ways learn a language 06102017

What are the quickest and best ways to learn a language?

Students struggling to learn a language often want to know if there are better or more effective techniques that will enable them to reach their objectives.

“Is there a better, quicker or more effective way to learn a language?” they often ask. From language practitioners such as those at the Museum of Knowledge, we advise that yes there is a better way.

The best way to learn a language is for students to ensure they commit enough time and dedication to the process. Learning a language and perfecting those skills does not occur overnight and ensuring that the correct techniques are employed is essential. Language learners should not forget the importance of grammar, syntax and spelling, and embarking on structured, immersion language courses such as those offered by the Museum of Knowledge can be of great assistance. Language competency is directly related to reading comprehension that features as a major part of the Museum of Knowledge learn a language programme. This in itself can assist language learners considerably so that they can communicate both in the business context and socially with ease. Reading comprehension exercises offered at the Museum of Knowledge can assist language learners with writing, listening and speaking skills and it is the reading skills we at the Museum of Knowledge suggest students perfect. This will enable language learners to commence familiarizing themselves with a language and its core structure before embarking on other modules.

Other immersion techniques offered by the Museum of Knowledge from 2018 will include games, watching structured visual materials, listening to audio excerpts and speaking with others who speak the same target language the student is learning.

Museum of Knowledge, Speak English without speaking to natives blog, 29092017

Is it possible to speak English without speaking to natives every day?

There are many ways students can learn a language including embracing English courses. The Museum of Knowledge has numerous English online language courses at its disposal that can assist students who seek new, innovative ways to learn English without speaking to English natives in the home country on a daily basis.

One of the most productive ways to learn a language is to adopt the immersion technique. Equally important is breaking down English language learning modules into structured content and well-defined competency tests. The Museum of Knowledge encourages English language students to perfect one of four areas of competency; English reading, English writing, English speaking and English listening. Depending on whether the English language learner is at an advanced level or an intermediate level, the Museum of Knowledge also recommends structure content for industry led content for business learning and topical content for intermediate social language learning.

Learning English takes time, dedication persistence. The Museum of Knowledge enables students to learn English through various techniques including those of immersion.


Museum of Knowledge, Using vous and tu blog, 22092017

Museum of Knowledge guide: When to use vous and tu in French

English is one of the few languages where communication is not separated into the polite and the less formal form. In most Latin languages however there is a clear differentiation between the two. Museum of Knowledge French courses clearly show examples of dialogue using these different formats.

The Museum of Knowledge team is often asked, when French language learners should use “vous” and when they should use “tu.” In more simpler terms “vous” is used in formal conversations with people unknown to the speaker. It may also be used in situations whereby the user knows the person to whom they are addressing but perhaps in business scenarios addressing colleagues with the “vous” address will always be employed. In other situations the person addressed may be an adult who is being spoken to by a child and in the case of an adult he/she may be addressed by an employee or subordinate.

“Tu” in French is typically used in instances whereby the individuals involved in the dialogue know each other very well and are undertaking informal discussions, perhaps between friends or family members for example. The “tu” format may also be used between employees of equal ranking who know each other very well.


Museum of Knowledge, Speak French like a native blog, 15092017

Museum of Knowledge tips: How to speak French with a good accent

The key to speaking French like a native is accentuation. The Museum of Knowledge modules are specifically designed to facilitate competency in French speaking skills for intermediate (social) and advanced (business) language learners.

French pronunciation and accentuation may be one of the most challenging areas language learners will embark on when learning how to speak French.

French is an emphatic language so it does require a certain amount of confidence more than anything else. To speak French with fluidity, French language learners need to consider that the movement of the mouth and clarity is key, This is why many language learners may feel embarrassed speaking French because there is nowhere to hide if you get it wrong. There are also other considerations such as the great emphasis on accentuation making it difficult to sound French if you do not master skills of precision.

For example the word régularisation (regulation) and the verb retrouver (to find, to discover) have a strong emphasis on the letter “r”. French speakers should roll the “r” and the expression of the letter “r” comes from the throat. As the word régularisation has an accent aigu French speakers must pronounce the letter “r” with the throat and the action of the mouth is wide, similar to the action of the mouth when saying the word “ears” in English. For the verb retrouver, French speakers should also roll the letter “r” but more gently, the action of the mouth is hollow and similar to the mouth action when saying the word “hoot” in English, because there is no aigu accent on the letter “e” for the verb retrouver.

Therefore you can see in these two French examples that the letter “r” is not pronounced in any way similar to the letter “r” in Spanish nor the letter “r” in English. French language learners have to pay very close attention to the placement of accents in French that will guide them in advance on the best ways to pronounce words correctly and this is the reason why written and spoken French are so different. This alone is what will stand French language learners apart when speaking French like a native. The correct and impactful roll of the letter “r” and usage.